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How can I migrate my customers from PayPal?

This article explains the troubleshooting of migrating the customer base from PayPal over to Subbly. 

Before we proceed, please feel free to review how you can connect Stripe with PayPal for taking payments in the instructions here.

Given that we integrate with PayPal through Braintree, the process of migrating your customer base from PayPal into Subbly is a 2-step process:

  • Migrating the customer base from PayPal to Braintree
  • Migrating the customer base from Braintree to Subbly

Migrating from PayPal to Braintree

There are some important considerations that need to be taken into account when transferring your customer base from PayPal to Braintree. Namely, in order for Braintree to be able to import the customers from PayPal:

  • customer recurring profiles will need to be labeled as Billing Agreements 
You can easily check whether the subscription profile is a Billing Agreement or not by looking up the Reference Txn ID column in PayPal. Billing Agreements profiles always start with B-. For example, B-3G1381SG3C1705113.
  • customer profiles will need to start with I-, but these can not be older than 12 months!
Profiles represented with I- actually present the profiles that have a credit card as an underlying payment method, instead of the PayPal account, and they will be imported into Braintree as such (with only the payment method imported). There is a time limitation, however, and the profiles should NOT be older than 12 months in order for Braintree to be able to import them. 

How do I export Billing Agreements profiles from PayPal?

To download this report, you will need to do the following: 

  1. Sign in to PayPal
  2. Go to Reports
  3. Go to Download History in the Transactions report
  4. Set an appropriate date range
  5. Export as a CSV file

Now you need to provide this CSV to the Braintree support so they can run an import.

How to export recurring profiles from PayPal?

You can download a report of these recurring profiles for Braintree to import from your PayPal account by logging in and downloading an Activity Report for your transactions for the past year.

To download this report, do the following:

  1. Sign to PayPal
  2. Go to Reports
  3. Go to Download History in the Transactions report
  4. Set the date range to cover the last 12 months
  5. Export as a CSV file.

From there, Braintree will filter out all of the recurring profiles that are not created with a PayPal account and import them to your Braintree account. These profiles will have a "Reference Txn ID" that begins with an ​I-​, the "Card Type" column will be populated with a card brand, and the "From Email Address" column will be empty.

Now send the CSV over to Braintree support so they can start the process of importing the customers accordingly.

Migrating from Braintree to Subbly

If you've managed to work it out up to this point, kindly contact us so we can proceed further with the import from Braintree into Subbly.

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