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FAQ about Subbly

General FAQ about the platform

Updated 9 months ago

What countries is Subbly available in?

Where are we currently available in for business

Updated 1 year ago

How do I get help? (How to contact support)

How to get in touch with Subbly support

Updated 1 year ago

What payment gateways are supported on Subbly?

What payment processors can you connect to take payments through Subbly

Updated 1 year ago

Stripe vs. Paypal: Which one to use?

Overview of some general pros and cons of two payment platforms

Updated 1 year ago

How much traffic can the Subbly servers handle?

How reliable Subbly is for hosting your business

Updated 1 year ago

Pricing plans, pricing structure and applicable transaction fees on Subbly

Detailed explanation of what are you going to be paying for using Subbly on different plans

Updated 9 months ago

How and when do we charge VAT?

Explanation on how and in what cases Subbly charges VAT

Updated 1 year ago

Does Subbly offer refunds?

When and in what situations can you get a refund of your Subbly payment

Updated 1 year ago

Can I use Subbly for POS sales?

Is Subbly suitable for conducting POS sales

Jun Hyeok Yang
Updated 1 year ago by Jun Hyeok Yang

How can I migrate my customers from Stripe?

Detailed explanation of the migration process if you're using Stripe for handling payments

Jun Hyeok Yang
Updated 1 year ago by Jun Hyeok Yang

How can I migrate my customers from PayPal?

Detailed explanation of migrating customer base if you're using PayPal for taking payments

Updated 1 year ago

Does Subbly integrate with any accounting platform?

Some alternatives for Quickbooks or Xero integrations

Jun Hyeok Yang
Updated 1 year ago by Jun Hyeok Yang

How to transfer domain between sites on Subbly?

Transfer the domain from inactive to active site

Jun Hyeok Yang
Updated 1 year ago by Jun Hyeok Yang

Why doesn't Subbly have a marketplace?

What is our stance on the marketplace and why we don't act like one

Jun Hyeok Yang
Updated 1 year ago by Jun Hyeok Yang

Why my checkout redirects to a different product?

General troubleshooting on why the checkout could be redirecting to another product on the live site

Jun Hyeok Yang
Updated 1 year ago by Jun Hyeok Yang

What shipping integrations do you provide?

Different shipping/fulfillment options currently available on Subbly

Jun Hyeok Yang
Updated 1 year ago by Jun Hyeok Yang

When do I get paid?

When and how can you expect to receive payments

Updated 1 year ago

How to use tags?

Different cases and options of tagging customers or products

Jun Hyeok Yang
Updated 1 year ago by Jun Hyeok Yang

How can I access my previous receipts/invoices?

See all your Subbly invoices at a glance, manage and download them

Jun Hyeok Yang
Updated 1 year ago by Jun Hyeok Yang

How can I send emails to my customers?

Solutions for emailing your customers

Updated 1 year ago

Working with Subbly Experts

General guidelines on leveraging Subbly Expert Program

Andrija Krstic
Updated 1 year ago by Andrija Krstic

How to fix 'there is an update' error on your website?

Sometimes we don't imagine that an emoji could break our website, and if that happened to you, here's the solution.... How to troubleshoot the 'there is an update' problem on your website? If your cu…

Jun Hyeok Yang
Updated 1 year ago by Jun Hyeok Yang

I'm looking to migrate my subscribers over on Subbly. What's the process like?

Congratulations on deciding to make the switch to a subscriptions-first platform! The subscriber migration process from your legacy platform over to Subbly will be dependant on the state of your subs…

Binu Francis
Updated 3 weeks ago by Binu Francis
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