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Gallery element

Do you want to showcase your portfolio or share some cool photos with the world? You can do so in no time using the ‘Gallery’ Element.

Getting started

To start creating your gallery, drag and drop the ‘Gallery’ element from the 'Elements' section to the desired block on your canvas.

Once you've added the element, you can start uploading your favorite images right away. Click on the Gallery element and start uploading images to it.

You can now select previously uploaded images, add new ones from your PC and Media, or check out the Free Stock for more vivid images. 

You can add Alts, Titles and Descriptions for every single image as well as Links to redirect your visitors to other pages. To do so, simply select the image and you'll see the options available on the right.


What about changing the gallery parameters? Just click on the gallery area and opt for ‘Edit Gallery’.

Here and now, you have the following settings available and you’ll find a number of possibilities that will help you customize your gallery, so that it fits your needs perfectly.

• Layout

• Titles and Descriptions

• Tags

• Advanced Settings

• Effects

Let's start with the Layout. Pick the desired one: Standard or Masonry.

Choose the number of images you want to have in one row here.

Likewise, you can change the Image Paddings both vertically and horizontally: just move the controllers and see what works best for you.

Default Aspect Ratio is set to 1:1 but you can always choose desired aspect ratio from the drop down menu.

Up next you can make use of the switchers to add or remove the Gallery Tags, show the Titles and Descriptions and much more.

Opt for the Advanced Settings to enable the Slider on Mobile, Slider Arrows on Mobile as well as the Load More option.

Move the green controllers to change the ‘Gallery’ element height or play around with the black ones to change the gallery margin.

Why not add some cool Effects to your Gallery: Hover or Loading, your choice!

Click on the desired one to select it and pick the colors you prefer for the Title, Description, Overlay and the Graphic Element on your Gallery using the Colors Tool.

You can go for the Loading Effects section and pick the one you want the same way. Hit the Effect name on the left to preview how the effect will look like.

Alignment - You may not like how your gallery is positioned on the page. All you need to do is click on the ‘Alignment’ icon to fix this.

Visibility Settings - It enables making a certain Element/Block appear on Desktop, Mobile only, or everywhere by default. Simply hit Visibility Settings and choose the desired option from the drop down menu to get full control over the visibility of the elements on your page.

Next comes Location visibility. Include or exclude specific cities or countries or set the appropriate Custom IP.

Delete - If you want to remove your gallery, click the ‘Trash’ button and hit ‘Delete’ to confirm your action. 

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