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Why do the products go to 404 page?

If you've experienced this error at any time during your website creation process, this article will have all the necessary info to assist you in resolving the issue!

What is a 404 error and why you're seeing it on your website?

HTTP 404 error or better know as the 404 not found is a standard error message used by browsers to show that the URL you're trying to access is not available. Browser was trying to communicate with a giver server, but the server couldn't find what was requested which is common when a user attempts to access a broken or dead link and it's one of the most common errors you will find on the Internet.

Why you're probably seeing it on your website is due to a few reasons, but most notably pasting invalid URL's, lack of a product type of page and failing to provide the full URL which includes HTTPS protocol and www before the domain name. While the first and last reason are self explanatory, we will elaborate a bit more on the common issue with regarding the product pages!

How to setup your product pages to avoid getting the 404 error?

If your customers are experiencing a 404 error when trying to access individual product pages, it means that the main product page is not set in the website builder.

In this case, you'll need to create one PRODUCT type of page which will be used as a main product navigation page. It's alias is added to the URL and as such, it's mandatory to have correct navigation.

Make sure to follow these steps below in order:

1. You'll need to create a product type of page in the website builder>dashboard>pages. You'll be able to see it by the icon in the left upper corner.

2. It can be in the main navigation or secondary pages! It will work either way, just make sure to keep it as online.

3. If you have multiple product type of pages, the first one created will be used for navigation. (its alias will be added to the URL)

4. After you've correctly done the previous steps, the product pages will work correctly and the URL will be as following:

If you need any further assistance on this, please feel free to reach out to the customer support team 24/7.

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