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Setting up Headers and Footers across pages

Headers and Footer are essential blocks that improve your page structure and navigation and create a beautiful user experience for your site visitors.

How to set them up?

 By default, both the header and footer are replicated across each page of your website. 

However, we do have something called the multi-header and multi-footer functionality which will allow you to:

  • Create multiple headers and footers per page
  • Assign them to different pages and devices

You can optimize how the separate versions of your headers/footers look on certain pages by clicking on the yellow/purple tabs on the upper and lower areas of your page to access the settings of your entire block.

To add an image or video background to the block:

  • Browse Image Files from your device or Open Media and search for an image from our free stock collection
  • Paste the YouTube link for videos in the given field and hit 'Save'. Keep in mind there is no audio when you upload a video as your background

You also have the option make the image or video a Background Cover, and edit the Opacity and Background Blur

This can be done for individual blocks within your Header or Footer as well by clicking on Block Settings > Block Background

Assigning different Headers/Footers to different pages

To assign the blocks to pages, you can adjust their visibility per:

  • Device
  • Page
  • Location 
  • Language

You can adjust their visibility by clicking on the three dots icon on the top left corner of your chosen block. Then, hit the Visibility Icon > Page Visibility > Enable Hide this Page > Select the Pages you want to Hide the Block or Element from.

Click on the Preview button found in the Left Panel to view your Headers and Footers as they appear on the desktop or mobile/tablet view! 

If you have any questions or concerns, contact us directly via the Live Chat box, located in the lower right corner.

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