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How to filter orders?

Dusan Videnovic Updated by Dusan Videnovic

No more complex spreadsheets, our new filters groups feature enables you to triangulate all of your orders with powerful and/or logic so you can easily manage them in bulk.

Filter groups parameters explanation

Filtering is a useful way to see only the data that you want displayed in your Orders dashboard. You can use filters to display specific records.

You can create filtering groups by using the following parameters.

  • Order status - Lets you select between orders which are future shipment, awaiting delivery or shipped.
  • Product - Lets you select among all the products and pricing plans created at your main admin.
  • Order tag - Lets you select between all the tags created at your main admin and filter based on the tag used in the order.
  • Survey - Lets you select among surveys and filter based on the survey used while creating the order.
  • Survey's question - Lets you select among surveys and select that survey's question and filter based on the question found in the order.
  • Survey's answer - Lets you select among surveys and select that survey's answers and filter based on the answer found in the order.
  • Shipping method - Lets you select among your shipping methods & rules and filter based on the shipping rule used on the order.
  • SKU - Lets you select among your inventory items and filter based on the shipping items used on the order.
  • Coupon - Lets you select between all the coupons created at your main admin and filter based on the coupon redeemed for the purchase.
  • Customer tag - Lets you select between all the tags created at your main admin and filter based on the tag used on the customer which the order belongs to.
  • Customer - Lets you select among your existing customers and filter based on the customer which the order belongs to.
  • Amount - Lets you set a price or price range and filter based on the order total price.
  • Subscription - Lets you select among all your subscription products and filter based on the subscription product

How to use multiple filters at a time?

Now it is really easy to use multiple filter groups at a time by creating the first filter group and clicking on the pencil that appears on the right side of the main rule.

It will present you with the options to Add filter (create a new filter group), Duplicate (create a copy of the original filter group) and Remove group (deletes the filter group).

How to change among and/or operators?

The And and Or operators are used to filter records based on more than one filter group:

  • The And operator displays records if all the conditions separated by And are met.
  • The Or operator displays a record if any of the conditions separated by Or is met.

To change the operator, click on the current operator found between filler groups, and you will be presented with a drop-down menu through which you will be able to select the operator you would like to use.

Use cases

Now, suppose you wanted to know which orders with a price of $20 or less have been created while using a coupon. This filtering task has two criteria and you want to fulfill them both.

In other words, the order must be $20 or less and have a certain coupon added.

We will create two filtering groups:

  • The first one will use the Amount operator, is less than key and the quantity which in this case is $20.
  • Then we add a new filter by clicking on the pencil icon in which we will use the Coupon operator, is equal to key and the coupon ID

Following the same example, now we want to know which of the orders under $20, used either the 50OFF coupon or a second coupon GFT50.

To do so, click on Add filter group and create 2 filters as in the previous step but change the default operator between filter groups for the or operator so the results include all orders that use either of the coupons and are under $20.

Got any questions? Let us know.

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