Articles in this category

Dashboard apps

Articles App

Manage your blog by using this app

Updated 1 year ago

Logo maker app

Create your company logo with ease with our neat logo maker app

Updated 2 years ago

Designer Tools: Overview

General overview of the designer tool options of the website builder

Updated 2 years ago

Fonts App

Upload custom fonts or manage default ones to be used across your site's pages

Updated 2 years ago

Pages App

Create a seamless and easily navigate-able navigation bar on your Subbly website

Updated 1 year ago

Designer Tools: Layout

Modify borders, gaps, distances and such on desktop vs. mobile view for your site's pages

Updated 2 years ago

Designer Tools: Typography

Change font styles and font size for the text on your site

Updated 2 years ago


Edit page titles, thumbnails etc

Updated 1 year ago

Domain App

Connect your domain to your Subbly site

Updated 2 years ago

Languages App

Useful if you're having multi-language customer base and you want to build different pages for different languages

Updated 2 years ago

Designer Tools: UI Kit

Change the button styles from within this app

Updated 2 years ago

Templates App

Manage templates loaded on your Subbly website builder

Updated 2 years ago

Media App

This is where all the imagery for your site is being stored

Updated 2 years ago

Pop-Ups App

Explains how to manage the Pop-Ups app inside the website builder

Updated 1 year ago

Getting started with Dashboard and Apps

General overview of the Subbly website builder dashboard and associated apps

Updated 2 years ago

Site Settings App

Manage your website's settings, change title of the site, favicon, manage store's availability and more

Updated 2 years ago
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